BARK BARK! Oops I mean Gobble Gobble!

It's almost that time everyone! When we all pack together in one house and try not to argue politics with your crazy uncle maybe your cool cousin we ask you to “walk to the store” before dinner is ready. Its easy to get caught up in the holiday stress so give your ratties a big hug and a smooch I promise you'll feel better.

No matter what the holiday season brings family wise, you don't have to guess it'll bring the cold weather. I live in Florida but I still make it a point to put a jacket on Bubba when it's cold. You should do the same with your babies. Remember if we are cold they are too. Ratties are small and prone to getting cold quick with their short hair. Make sure to buy your rattie a insulated jacket that has some wiggle room for those extra few holiday pounds they will gain. Also some small socks or “booties” for their paws so they don't get cold in the snow.

As I mention before our ratties are quick to gain weight so please make sure you are watching their food intake while it's cold out. No matter the time of the year ratties are more likely to become obese than most other breeds if not all. I had to put Bubba on a diet this time last year because he was so fat he was not walking right lol.

He gained 4 pounds in no time and I knew it was no good. I started to feed him better (his last owner only fed him summer sausage), take him for walks daily and made sure he didn't snack. The weight fell off as fast as it came. Now Bubba walks 1.5 miles a day with me. He eats well and he is full of energy. Please make sure you watch what you feed your rattie this Thanksgiving as well. They can't have any turkey it could hurt them.

Happy holidays from

Bubba and I!